Free Tour will be organized by University of Peja Haxhi Zeka. The tour will start at 8:30 a.m on July 13th, 2025. Participants who want to participate in the free tour must inform the conference committee by email ( by July 1 at the latest. Vehicles will be rented by the university of Peja Haxhi Zeka depending on the number of participants.

8.30- Start from Peja
9.00- Arrival at Istog- visit the sites and coffe break
10.00- Visiting Mehmet Akif origins place (Shushice)- visiting Mehmet Akif School and Mehmet Akif Mosques
11.00- Leaving for Prekaz Memorial place
12.00- Visiting Prekaz Memorial
13.00- Leaving toward Gazi Mestan and Sultan Murat Tyrbe (through the way having lunch somewhere _Amazon, or ....)
15.00- Visiting Gazi Mestan and Sultan Murat Tyrbe
16.30- Stoping in Pristina for short break
17.30- Leaving for Prizren
19.00- Visiting Prizren-free tour for participants there
21.00- Leaving toward Peja



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